Kiara & Christi invite you to open up some of the best books written that will lead participants to healing, nourishing, and empowering conversations about race in our country. Follow up with Mic Check🎙 1,2 & READ , a unique Podcast by Kiara Jones, where knowledge is spread, experiences are shared, emotions are felt, voices are heard, hope is found, and love prevails.

Before signing into Zoom, please make sure to put your name as the screen name so we know who are guests are!

Questions? Contact Christi 815-566-7794

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Meeting ID: 879 1439 2699
Passcode: 853583

A copy of our report filed with the State Board of Elections is (or will be) available on the Board’s official website ( or for purchase from the State Board of Elections, Springfield, Illinois. Paid for by the DeKalb County Democratic Party