Meet Fred Hall
Fred Hall
Democratic Candidate
Candidate for Deklab County Board District 1
Fred Hall was born in a small town in Iowa. He moved to Illinois when he was 17 years old, and joined the Air force, where he was sent to Turkey to fight on behalf of the United States. On a tour in Japan, he met his wife, and has two daughters. After his discharge, he came home and joined the National Guard and proudly served his country. He currently lives in Malta, Illinois, and has two daughters and one grandson.
Fred Hall
Candidate for Deklab County Board District 1
Fred is passionate about women’s right to choose. Fred has witnessed abortion being illegal in this country, where women died in back alleys and married persons who were violent to hide their unwanted pregancies. Fred believes women have control over their bodies and must be able to exercise their rights.
Fred is also passionate about not allowing powerful military weapons to be in average citizens’ hands. Good hunters do not use these type of weapons, and if they need these type of weapons they are not good hunters.
Fred knows that it was a Democrat who created social security and medicare and medicaid, and Republicans want to destroy it. These programs are a necessary part of a free society.